You will find many El Paso office space for lease listings on Thousands of available office space listings are tracked on in El Paso, as well as industrial, retail, and mixed-use developments. Be sure to include the various El Paso office space categories while searching for El Paso office space listings.
Service industries are seeking new El Paso office space for sale in El Paso. They include engineering companies, defense contractors, medical related facilities, construction, and support services. El Paso office space continues to be preferred for call center or solution center operations and the market also is seeing increased demand for call center space, medical space and general use offices. El Paso office space has done well in the past few years. In the last two years, the demand for downtown CBD space is steadily growing and absorption is very positive. The most recent major office leases signed include a 25,000-square-foot solutions center expansion for EDS and 60,000 square feet for a solutions center operation for ADP. Within the next two years there will be new speculative office development and moreEl Paso office space will become available. Several large existing downtown buildings should bring in excess of 250,000 square feet to the market.
More than 70 Fortune 500 companies have office space in El Paso, making El Paso their home, including Hoover, Eureka, Boeing, and Delphi (auto parts). Making El Paso office space an excellent choice for your company’s expansion or relocation.
Education is also a driving force in El Paso's economy. El Paso's three large school districts are among the largest employers in the area, employing more than 19,000 people between them. The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has an annual budget of nearly $250 million and employs nearly 3,600 people. A 2002 study by the university's Institute for Policy and Economic Development stated that the University's impact on local businesses has resulted in $349 million. With such a large population and growing economy, the need for El Paso office space is growing as well.
The military installation of Fort Bliss is a major contributor to El Paso's economy. Fort Bliss produces approximately $80 million in products and services annually, with about $60 million of those products and services purchased locally. Fort Bliss' total economic impact on the area has been estimated at more than $1 billion, with 12,000 soldiers currently stationed at the Fort. The growth is expected to create a strong economic ripple throughout the El Paso area and increase the demand for office space in El Paso.
The need for office space in El Paso also comes from the federal government; it has a strong presence in El Paso to manage its status and unique issues as a border region. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the U.S. Customs Service all have agency operations in El Paso to regulate traffic and goods through ports of entry from Mexico. Including these agencies, government job growth in the area is expected to rise to 64,390 jobs by 2007.
Call center operations make up 7 of the top 10 business employers in El Paso. With no signs of growth slowing in this industry, in 2005 the 14 largest call centers in El Paso employed more than 10,000 people. The largest of these in terms of employees are EchoStar, MCI/GC Services, and West Telemarketing. Call center operations are continuing to grow and expand with new office space in El Paso.
El Paso office space will be a great necessity in the future, analysts in the area say that job growth in 2005 will be in the form of health care, business and trade services, international trade, and telecommunications.
Multi-Family Dwellings Make Good Financial Sense
15 years ago
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