has many Corpus Christi commercial real estate listings. Thousands of commercial real estate listings in Corpus Christi are tracked on our site including retail, office, industrial and bio-tech/med developments. Make sure to include the various Corpus Christi commercial real estatecategories, including Industrial/Warehouse, Office/R&D and Multifamily/Investment while searching forCorpus Christi commercial real estate.
Corpus Christi is a coastal city in Texas and the eight-largest city in the state. The Corpus Christi economy is vibrant and diversified with good growth potential. With the majority of the population employed in the Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade, and Government sectors, Corpus Christi enjoys a low unemployment rate of 4.0%. The growth potential makes Corpus Christi commercial real estate a great choice in choosing where you want to expand or open your business.
Corpus Christi, which is the sixth largest US port and deepest inshore port on the Gulf of Mexico, handles mostly oil and agricultural products. Much of the local economy is driven by tourism and the oil & petrochemicals industry. Corpus Christi commercial real estate has many advantages for many companies looking to join these industries.
Tourism is a big part of the economy of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi remains the sixth most popular tourist destination in Texas. As a popular leisure travel destination, Corpus Christi continues to have a high concentration of family vacationers. An estimated total of 7 million visitors spent 16 million days in the area in 2006, injecting $964.4 million into the Corpus Christi economy. Visitor spending increased by 15 percent from 2004 to 2007. This is had impacted the Corpus Christi commercial real estate for leaseand Corpus Christi commercial real estate for sale markets as retailers fill vacant space to meet the demands of tourists.
Looking to expand or open your business with Corpus Christi commercial real estate? About 5 percent of the area’s economic activity comes from the core tourism industries. In addition to the area’s hotels, motels and other lodging establishments, a substantial number of restaurants, food stores, retail businesses, public and recreational facilities, and transportation services are closely tied to visitors.
The Port of Corpus Christi also provides businesses with many advantages. Corpus Christi’s location provides improved cost-effectiveness and greater productivity. The Port of Corpus Christi is mid-way along the Texas coast on the Gulf of Mexico (approximately 150 miles north of the United States/Mexico border). Shipping through the Port of Corpus Christi gives you the advantage of a strategic central location, plus more. The port’s modern multi-purpose facilities are ideal for a variety of cargoes and the warm, arid climate creates the perfect setting for year-round operations. This is just one of the waysCorpus Christi commercial real estate can work for you.
Multi-Family Dwellings Make Good Financial Sense
15 years ago
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